Can you turn fat into Muscle?

Fact Check: Mixture

The idea behind this myth is that when one exercises, the fat content within the body will transform from fat to muscle. While it is true that one can lose fat and gain muscle, it is physiologically incorrect to believe that fat turns into skeletal muscle, due to the fact that they are two different types of tissue within the body. Fat cannot be turned into a muscle fiber or bundle and attach itself to bone via a tendon.  We can lose fat by converting it into energy to perform work after tapping into the aerobic metabolic system. This is typically achieved after 30 minutes of aerobic exercise as well as proper nutrition and diet. We can build muscle by tapping into our anaerobic muscle systems by performing exercises that engages the hypertrophy and repairing of muscle through adequate rest and protein intake. Hypertrophy exercise ranges occur at 67-80 % max effort and performing the exercises at 6-12 repetitions and 1 or more sets depending on experience. Preferably, performing at 3 or more sets for intermediate and advanced training classifications.