Top 5 Tips to a Successful Workout Program

Top 5 tips to a Successful a Workout Program

Whether you are looking to lose or gain weight, these 5 general tips will help you with your fitness goals:

1) Consistency

Missing time between exercises results in atrophy of muscle. The saying goes, if you don’t use it, you lose it. The minimum days you need to go to the gym to see results are twice a week. Going once a week is for maintaining the previous week. If you miss a week at the gym, you get weak!

2) Motivation

If you are unmotivated to go the gym you will most likely lose grasp of consistency and not want to exercise at all. This is by far the hardest barrier to get over. If you can get motivated you will see results. Get a trainer, or a work out buddy to help you stay accountable.

3) Frequency

Going to the gym more often will allow you to see results quicker, adequate rest is important. Give your body time to rest. My advice is to work out every other day full body or alternate upper and lower body 6 days a week.

4) Time Spent

Many body builders will spend up to six hours in the gym lifting weights. Iron Man athletes compete all day long and will train for several hours a day to prepare for a competition. Time spent in the gym is very important depending on your desired results. Spending 30 minutes a day is adequate for most individuals. For elite athletes you want to do more than 1 hour per day. This includes time you spend in the gym and time you spend on training on a sport.

5) Volume

You could spend hours at the gym exercising. Or you could also spend a lot of your time at the gym on your phone or on social media. Staying on task and getting reasonable rest in between sets is important, but don’t get too distracted on your goals. Try to use the gym time being in the gym and off your screen, especially if you are limited on time with a busy schedule.