Top 5 Tips to a Successful Workout Program

Top 5 tips to a Successful a Workout Program

Whether you are looking to lose or gain weight, these 5 general tips will help you with your fitness goals:

1) Consistency

Missing time between exercises results in atrophy of muscle. The saying goes, if you don’t use it, you lose it. The minimum days you need to go to the gym to see results are twice a week. Going once a week is for maintaining the previous week. If you miss a week at the gym, you get weak!

2) Motivation

If you are unmotivated to go the gym you will most likely lose grasp of consistency and not want to exercise at all. This is by far the hardest barrier to get over. If you can get motivated you will see results. Get a trainer, or a work out buddy to help you stay accountable. read more

Sweat is Just Your Fat Crying!

Fact Check: Mixture
While this quote is funny and motivational, this is physiologically incorrect. Sweat is a way for your body to help regulate body temperature and keep your body from over heating, much like shivering helps keep your body warm when it is cold outside. What weight you do lose when you sweat is water weight. When you exercise your heart rate goes up as does your temperature. Heat will escape through your circulatory system where heat can be lost into the air. Your body burns calories as you exercise. To hit the fat burn zone during your exercise (or utilize the aerobic energy system of your body), you must do at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise such as walking, running, swimming, biking. read more

Should I Exercise With a Neck Injury or Neck Condition?

The simple answer is to consult with your doctor first to receive clearance for exercise. The neck has the starting point of the spinal cord at the base of the skull. Other major nerves, veins and arteries are located throughout the neck region. The neck also possesses a major tube called the wind pipe (trachea) in which you need to breathe oxygen. Your doctor may recommend seeing a physical therapist or chiropractor for injury related recovery (rehabilitation), or if an injury or condition is severe, a spinal surgeon or neurologist. Putting off injuries or “toughing it out” may worsen over time, especially years down the road.  Listen and take care of your whole body. If something doesn’t feel right get the help you need sooner rather than later. read more