Should I wait until the New Year or January 1st to begin my fitness journey?

My answer is no, you should start today, whatever day it may be, to start eating healthy and exercising. Procrastination is a common human tendency. We naturally tend to put things off that require change, effort, time and energy. It is easier to just watch you favorite game show or news network on TV. The reality is, there will always be another program to watch or another excuse. Most people fail their New Year resolution goals within 32 days or by Feb. 1st of the New Year. So let’s say it is February and you want to wait until the New Year to make a resolution. You would have waited 10-11 months to start a fitness program that you have a 68% chance of failing within the first month. That’s 10-11 months that you could have already been exercising and eating right. This bottles down to a motivational issue. Find someone to go with or someone to report to and hold you accountable. Find out what is holding you back and find a way to make necessary changes.  Hire a qualified and reputable trainer to help you. Set goals and choose this day, today to find the motivation and desire to improve your health and quality of life.
